April 2, 2014


This year's April Fool's Day was the first day I had ever pulled a prank on anyone. Of course, it was a completely harmless office prank, but once they realized what was happening, my coworkers thought it was a good one. I saw the idea on Pinterest.

Pretty simple and self explanatory. 1/4 coworkers found the problem right away. 2/4 coworkers restarted their computers twice. The last coworker I heard was flailing and banging their mouse around in frustration. I honestly didn't expect it to take them all so long; my first instinct would be to check the underside of the mouse for obstruction. Anyway, once they found their troll faces, they laughed and all was well.

One of my coworkers told her children that it was snowing (it never snows here) and they jumped out of bed to check outside the window. Hilarious.


  1. That's a great prank.

    The first thing I would have done is move the mouse around quickly once or twice and then flip it over.

    It's great your colleagues have a sense humor. Makes for a good work environment!
