May 23, 2014

Sweet Tooth

I'm not sure when it happened, but at some point I became addicted to dessert.

Like clockwork, I get a craving for something sweet around 7:30-8:00 pm unless I had a late dinner. The other day we finally ran out of sweet things in the house, so I told myself, no Abriel, we are not buying more sweet things. You can go without dessert for a few days. Persevere!

It was the morning after just day two of no dessert and I had a headache and sluggishness that I'm pretty sure has to do with dessert withdrawals. My mom thinks I'm hypoglycemic. I also wake up hungry in the mornings when I don't have dessert the previous night, where I would otherwise be able to last with my coffee until at least 10:30 am without hunger. But it'll be better for me and make me eat breakfast properly, which is supposed to be healthier for you. Eat healthy things like zucchini muffins or berries with cottage cheese. Yeah. I'd really like to not be addicted to dessert anymore.

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