February 16, 2014

My Return

Coming back into blogging after a long period of time, some people may be able to say, "You might remember me from such and such a blog". I had, after all, maintained a blog or two of teenage rants for an accumulation of about seven or eight years? But this wasn't a large community of followers. And there were lots of lost memories. All I can think about reading old entries is, was this person really me? Was I really so naive? Arrogant? Shallow? I'll try not to be that way again. But you know, no matter how old you are, there will be an older you who thinks just as well.

The content of this blog "Bildungsroman" will be dedicated to many photographs and stories of various times of my life I feel like sharing. I may dip into childhood or update with current vacations. It's been pretty helpful that I had recently finished a photo album of my life from birth to the present, a rather lengthy chronicle. Of course, I'm not expecting a huge response from others with regards to commenting on my life story, but I plan to put a more objective viewpoint on my past, perhaps with a bit more humor, too.

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