July 5, 2015

Kitty Snuggles

The work conference in Orlando took place the other week, and I learned a bunch of good stuffs that I will be sharing with my coworkers. I slipped in a few tips on how to plan better as a Dosimetrist on the software we use under the guise that I was taught these things at the meeting. Otherwise, I think some of them may take offense.

At the work conference, I displayed my research poster (and don't know if anyone ended up looking at it), attended some seminars and workshops, learned that I ranked 3rd place out of 220 submissions and 770 registrants in the Sun Nuclear Plan Challenge (WOOOO!), met up with old friends from school, spent some time in the humid heat with my mom at Universal Orlando (check out dems photos in the Instagram reel), and wished that we could get some of the rain from these afternoon thunderstorms over to California.

I was glad to come back home to my cats. It's funny, the last time I was at Yoga Nidra the instructor asked us to think about our happy place, and my mind went to snuggling up in bed with my cats. LOL. My mom thought of the exact same scenario with her cat. Cats are the best. 

This 4th of July weekend I made an effort to paint my brother's room in a day. Didn't quite manage all of it, just three walls, but at least it didn't mess with his Twitch streaming schedule. It looks really good! We chose a light gray and a dark gray. The door-side wall and opposing wall were all dark gray, and the other walls were dark gray on bottom 40% and light gray on top 60%. He's really happy with how it looks; much better than the baby blue it was when we moved in.

I think the only rooms we (I) haven't painted are the guest bath and the master bath... But my next project will be painting the wood grid within the window frames black.