March 20, 2015


I've been getting added to a bunch of people's circles on Google+ and I'm not sure why or how they found out about me. Then I saw on my profile that I've inexplicably had over 37,000 views? Of what!? I don't even post anything! TELL MEEE

Remember how I renovated my kitchen and we couldn't move the refrigerator into its designated spot yet? Well, my mom's making yet another effort (3rd time's the charm, right?) to have someone git'r'dun. Next Thursday we'll have the contractor remove the ancient swivel door that's blocking our way and he's going to just roll her right on into that kitchen, it's going to go very smoothly. Yes, it will, don't backtalk me, fate.

My mom and I are planning a trip to Maine, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. It's gonna be awesommmmme.

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