December 23, 2014

Merry Christmas Eve Eve

I haven't had to work on Christmas Eve for the last two years, so it's weird for me to have to work it this year. I do get the 26th off, though! Nice long weekend with the family. My brother has come to visit and, as well as deciding upon seeing the new Hobbit movie this weekend, we came to agree that it would be best if he joined our household Neptune until he can pay me back some personal loans. I think it's a wise decision! The environment he was in before wasn't entirely healthy for his needs, and I think he's come to realize that for himself now. It'll also help my mom and I out with paying bills while we have two homes to worry about. He'll be taking up the room that was formerly known as the cat room, that was formerly known as the junk room, that was formerly known as the office/guest room-to-be.

No Christmas presents this year, but my mom purchased tickets to see It's a Wonderful Life on the big screen. The film always makes me bawl, so I expect to be slightly embarrassed in a room full of other people who I hope will also be bawling.

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