October 27, 2014


Here's a humorous conversation I had with my mom the other day.

Mom: I'm having company over tonight
Mom: 7:30p
Me: 10p curfew
Mom: It's Friday
Mom: Screw you

At this point after the kitchen renovation, I am keeping my word about waiting on the refrigerator installation. Yes, it's coming up on November and cooling down, but that's okay, we can slap on some sandals and sweaters to grab some food... right? I've also put a halt on furniture and decor purchases. Whenever I have the temptation, I say, "Abriel. What are you doing. Stahp. STAHP!" This works.

I started drawing a new portrait this weekend, and I started out really liking it. Then I noticed the ear was completely misaligned and once I started on the hair it looked really gross, and drawing midtones is hard, so there might be another several month long period where I am in art limbo. We'll see whether I can gain my will back.

Halloween is this week! I don't quite remember the origin of Halloween, so if anyone remembers then please tell me. I was having a conversation with my mom about it the other night after watching one of the Simpsons Halloween specials. Otherwise, Happy Halloween! Now that we're in a new home in a neighborhood full of small children, we feel like it's necessary to discard our festiveless moods and finally decorate the porch and buy candy. Luckily though, I hear that we live in a particularly quiet neighborhood with regard to trick-or-treat traffic. That means I can buy candy for myself and say that it's for the kids.

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