Feeling a bit listy today, I do, so too bad if lists offend you.
Happening things:
1. Fell asleep early on New Year's Eve, again. I don't believe I've ever been to a New Year's Eve party. Do I want to go to one? I don't know. I have this weird personality where I both do and don't want to do things with people, and I'm constantly conflicted like this 24/7.
2. For this week's $6 Tuesday special at the movie theaters, I went to see
The Imitation Game. This man's life was so brilliant and tragic, there was heartbreak on both sides of the screen. I'm a sucker for films involving genius and misunderstood people, as well as romantic tragedies, and it had ALL THE THINGS. As a consequence, I've added it to my
numerous list of favorite films.
3. My brother is moving in with me and my mom in less than two weeks! He will be taking up what was going to be a guest bedroom. There would have been another bedroom upstairs in my mom's space, but she converted it into a dressing room (it no longer has a door). So, poof! No more guests allowed. (Just kidding.)
4. I've finished the preliminary work on my research project, but I'm waiting on a physicist to help me with the second portion of my research. I just don't know how to do the thing, help me do the thing! Hopefully, he musters up the effort before the deadline in March to submit my poster abstract to the annual meeting I'll be attending in Orlando this summer. And yes, I will undoubtedly take the time to visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Duh.
5. Thanks to the numerous vacation days I have on standby, I decided to take some time off next week. I've been meaning to go to lots of picturesque places for my shutter happy finger to be satisfied, and with South Lake Tahoe featuring its Restaurant Week during that time, I figured hey, that sounds like a good time. Let's do that. Expect snowy mountain photos!
6. Speaking of picturesque places, I really, really want to go to other US states, Iceland, Canada, Ireland, Scotland, Norway, Austria, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Italy, and Japan. I want to buy a compact professional grade camera that's easy to travel with but takes great panoramic and wide angle shots.
7. At the same time, I'm conflicted about spending money on travel versus the house. I intend to make a lot of changes to my new home, and it will take years for sure. But I'm really excited about living in a space I've made for myself, and I already drew out a new floor plan for my master suite (not that anything will happen to it for a long, long while).
8. My mom and I have been neglecting exercise a lot recently, so we've taken it upon our selves to share in the expense of buying our own elliptical. Hopefully, by placing it within view of the television, I might be able to convince myself to exercise more often. I could say to myself, Abriel, look how easy it would be to just step over there while you're watching your show.
9. My ideal form of exercise would be to swim laps, though. I've had trouble finding an affordable gym with a pool, but at the same time, I've never really been good about keeping up with going to the gym at all. The best thing to do would just be for me to build my own lap pool in the backyard. Muy expensivo! This definitely won't happen for ages, if it ever does happen.
10. I don't have anything else to say, except that it felt weird to me to end my list at 9 items. Happy new year!