May 16, 2014


The awkward moment when you take a personality test and you're still surprised by how accurate the results are.

I laughed for so long at this gif. So great.

I am apparently an INFJ (introverted, intuitive, feeling, judging). Reading the description ((here)), I don't really agree with the bit about being in the thick of disaster to rescue people (I'm totally not that brave), and although liberal arts are easier for INFJs, I enjoyed the science route better--logic is not at all intimidating. Meanwhile, I agree that I can determine someone's motives whether they are good or bad. However, my personal problem is convincing myself that my tingling spidey senses towards malevolence are accurate, because I tend to believe the best of people until they prove me wrong. Otherwise, the description seemed incredibly accurate! It weirdly backs up the reason why I blog, too.

If you want to affirm the nuances of your own personality, you can take a very quick yes/no test ((here)). Also tell me what you are, if you dare!

Update: I found another site that has a free Jung test and I got the same INFJ result. It seems like they have more links to descriptions on how your personality affects certain parts of your life. I think it's a better test tool as well, because it uses a scale of agreement to answer questions rather than a simple yes or no. The test can be taken ((here)).

Reading my results and people's comments and feedback who are also INFJs has made me feel like a rare bird. Supposedly, only 1% of the population shares this personality, and we're considered so "complex" that other people don't really understand us. So here I was reading this forum where other INFJs are breathing in breaths of fresh air around people who actually understand one another and their problems. Problems finding or keeping friends, problems in relationships, fulfillment at work. Really interesting stuffs and situations I can relate to.

Meanwhile, I agree with a lot of the personality descriptions (certainly not all of them), but at the same time, the test showed that I'm only slightly inclined to both intuition and feeling over sensing and thinking. Does that mean I could almost be an ISFJ, INTJ, or ISTJ depending on what's been going on in my life recently? These personalities are so different.


  1. I love your new blog title! Reminds me of Jane Eyre, which I read for my 19th Century Brit Lit class this past semester. :)

    As part of my job at the career development center, I took an MBTI assessment last year. According to that I am an ESFJ and based off the description they provided, I agree. Now I will enjoy reading what this website has to say about it.

    1. Thanks! I learned that word reading a book in 9th grade, but I don't remember what it was called. Just that it was about this boy climbing a tree with his friend who fell out and was paralyzed/dead, and the book was about him wrestling with himself and his memories trying to figure out if it was his fault. Does that sound at all familiar? Haha. But yeah I felt it is an appropriate blog title for someone discussing their life story. :P

      I remember taking this test back when I was a teenager, and I kept getting mixed results, but it was always at least I _ _ J. According to this test, I'm only slightly inclined to feeling over thinking, so I checked out the description for INTJs and they sound like cold bastards. Haha, I wonder if that means I'm almost a cold bastard. I don't know!

    2. I think the book is called A Separate Peace. :)

    3. I think you're right! Nice.
