1. I'm watching my calories, again! I yo-yo a lot, because once I stop counting calories I gain weight. If I don't have this device in front of me telling me I'm eating a 2100-or-so calorie s'mores cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory, then the calories don't exist. You understand.
2. I'm simulating a Dot & Bo room in Pinterest because Dot & Bo is hosting a sort of a contest with a $5000 grand prize shopping spree on their website. They have some pretty neat stuff, and I wouldn't mind using that money to buy some dining room furniture. The thing is, once they narrow down finalists, it's up to friends and family to go and "like" the rooms so whoever has the most likes wins the moneybags. Expect that, if I somehow make it that far, I will be soliciting help.
3. The other night I had the weirdest and grossest dream. My skin was really stretched out for some reason and I must not have had any abdominal muscles because my intestines fell into the skin sack that I could literally palpate my bowel loops. It was really, really gross.
4. My cats have started to get super snuggly in bed at night. Mia lets me wrap my arm around her and tuck my hand under her belly and she sleeps like that. So cute!
5. I took the time to get together with an old college friend to see The Avengers. I'm usually really evasive about getting together with this guy because I know that he likes me (he asked me out once back in college, oh, 7 years ago), but I'm just not into him at all. So, the time we spend together is really awkward for me, especially when he is contacting me after break-ups. I'm pretty sure I've always been on his mind, and after confirming that he was attempting to make this get-together like a date, I've finally put my foot down. I literally had to repeat myself three times before he got the message, and it made me feel bad. Of course, he doesn't want this confrontation to ruin our friendship, so once he cools off we will see more movies down the road, just without pretenses. Maybe now I can be more comfortable around him.
6. I ordered some tickets to see a musical in June and a concert in October: My Fair Lady with my mom, and Ben Howard & Daughter in Berkeley with another old friend from middle school. We so excited!
7. Besides the new Avengers movie, I also saw The Age of Adaline and Ex Machina. Both were really interesting. The Age of Adaline was adorable, but I could tell that it was based on a novel. Sometimes plots work better for novels than movies, as in this case, because the little extraordinary occurances seem more far fetched in films than books for some reason. As for Ex Machina, which was quite thrilling, had an expected and yet unexpected ending. I want to say more, but I feel like I would spoil it!